Why Feeling Good Is Your Worst Enemy
If we had to boil human experience down to one thing: feelings. If we had to boil human intention down to one thing: feeling good.
Every second of our life experience, the quality is measured by our feelings. How do we know we are doing something we like? We feel good. How do we know this is something we might not want to do again in the future? We feel bad. But we don’t just use our feelings to gauge our behavior; I would argue our entire life experience is our feelings. How do we know we are? Because we can feel. We can feel our presence.
If you asked someone what is success some would say wealth, some health, some relationships, but ultimately success to anyone is what makes them feel good. You are really asking that person what would make you feel the best you can feel?
Now, your life experience is not the best you can have, it’s the worst that you can tolerate. Most people feel OK, not great, but OK. They feel good enough that they don’t feel motivated to change. They aren’t in the best place, of the best feelings, but they aren’t suffering either. This lack of turmoil keeps them stuck in the same place, doing the same things, it’s the sweet spot, its where most people live.
This ‘limbo-land’ is your enemy. There is nothing worse for your self-development and joy then this limbo-land. The world outside is constantly changing, new challenges, new contexts are arising all the time. By doing the same thing every day you fail to keep up with the changes outside, you fail to learn and push yourself. Without constant learning and change one cannot grow. One cannot reach their best, its impossible.