The One Thing You Need For Success
There is just one thing that you need to succeed.
It seems easy, but in fact it is the reason that most people are not successful.
The single thing you need is: commitment.
Because here is the truth: anyone can write a blog about photography. Anyone can train at the gym. Anyone can draw some lines on a piece of paper. What matters is that person’s commitment to the activity, because commitment means consistency. Commitment is what keeps you coming back.
What makes people committed? People to commit to things that they decide they absolutely need or must do. There are many reasons someone might be committed to something.
What are most people committed to? Their jobs. Most people go into work everyday and put in the time and energy into it. No wonder that people are good at their jobs. No wonder that people are successful at what they do. They are showing commitment, even if that thing is not what they really want, because commitment equals success.
Anyone can write a blog. But how many people will write a blog post every day for 30 days? Not many. How many people will pick a topic and stick to it? Not many. How many people stay committed to things they started? Not many.
Pick what you want to do, and commit.