How to Overcome Procrastination

Deeper Events
5 min readOct 3, 2018

Procrastination is the bane of our lives. Procrastination may be the one reason that it is so difficult for people to dedicate the time they need to reach the levels of success they want.

It is not totally our fault.

The distractions are limitless. Youtube has millions of videos just there one click away. We have email, Whatsapp, various different social media and much more.

We have all been there. It starts with one video, then another, then another. It is just too easy to get sucked into the media on the Internet.

Never in all of history has there been so many distractions, and the effect has been monumental.

Procrastination is the complete opposite action to that of successful habits. Procrastination is aimless, unregulated and just pure consumption. In order to be successful it requires long focus on a single object of your attention usually in creating something.

There is nothing wrong with the occasional break, in fact breaks are essential for good work, but if you are scrolling aimlessly for more than a few minutes, you may be procrastinating.

The main issue is that we are being constantly distracted. When we go onto these sites they give us a hit of dopamine, so we keep coming back for more, even though they may not be helping us in any other way. In fact, some of these websites are designed to take as much of your attention as possible because by you being on the site, you generate profit for them.

Ultimately, these days procrastination is like being given the choice between ice cream and a potato. We are not just trying to stayed focused, we also have to fight against the dopamine rush from these websites. We are fighting an upward battle.

If every time we get the impulse to distract ourselves and take it, we are training our brains to never fully focus on one thing at a time. This is very detrimental to success.

Passively watching videos on YouTube or scrolling through Facebook, none of this has any benefits to you; in fact it has many negative affects.

All these distractions exist and it is not our fault that procrastination is such a tempting thing however it is time to take responsibility for ourselves. How can we live side by side with these distractions?

How can we really, truly, finally overcome procrastination once and for all?

Make A List

First things first, you need to know what exactly distracts you. Write down, right now, those things that distract you every day.

For example, mine would be YouTube videos, Facebook and Whatsapp.

Next write down when and how much these distract you. Be honest with yourself. If you are not sure, over the next few days just be aware of how many times and for how long you are being distracted.

I would check my Facebook and Facebook messenger incessantly during the day. Also, I would check Whatsapp very regularly. When at home, my first port of call was checking YouTube, even if there was not something specific I wanted to watch. I even kept watching certain types of videos out of habit even though those videos did not entertain me anymore.

Determine the reason for the distraction

To truly overcome your procrastination you have to determine the underlying case for checking these things. Social media gives a dopamine hit but there are always other reasons too. You may be checking Facebook and Whatsapp because you feel lonely. You may be looking at YouTube because your environment is not entertaining or engaging.

Just being aware of the underlying cause will help, as over time some ideas may come to you as to how to get more of your needs met through the real world.

Reduce Your Access

We cannot get rid of these distractions but we can limit our own access to them. Consider deleting Facebook/Facebook Messenger off your phone. Set a website block for Facebook on your phone and your computer too. If both is too much, start with one. Get a friend to type the restrictions code so you cannot change these settings. (This is very effective!).

You can remove that pesky ‘recommended’ videos from YouTube home page by doing this.

There are apps that restrict your access to Facebook for certain period of time for example Self Control.

Don’t Use Your Phone First Thing in The Morning

Instead of using a phone as an alarm clock, use an alarm clock instead. Make sure not to look at your phone for the first hour or half hour of the day. If you do not start the day looking at your phone, it will be much easier to resist the urge later on.

Have More Things That You Do Just for the Fun of it

There are some things where just the act of doing them itself is joyful. Dancing, singing, cycling or many others can be enjoyed just for the process of it. When you have things that you truly enjoy doing, passively watching videos may not appeal to you so much anymore. Try some new things and find those hobbies that really appeal to you.

Change Your Mindset

You must have the mindset that unless that something you are doing is adding value to your life, it is not worth doing. Those who really want to make the most of life know that Social Media and other websites are taking our valuable time and energy that could be spent in better ways.

Take Long Break to Disrupt the Habit

Looking at distractions has become a habit. Habits can be hard to break. The best way to break the habit may be to take a complete hiatus. If you feel you can, announce you are going to take a break from [insert distraction] for a week and then stay away. It may be easier to take a full break as you know that at no time can you use that website or do that thing.

If You Are Scrolling Aimlessly…

Notice yourself doing it and stop.

Only Open Your Laptop for a Purpose

Don’t mindlessly go onto the Internet, always have a purpose.

Use Full Screen

If you do have to use the computer or the internet to learn from videos etc. make your video full screen this reduces your likelihood of looking at other links and maintains your focus.

Good Luck! If you got any value from this please give give us some claps! 👏 And like us on Facebook!

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Deeper Events

Truth. Connection. Life. Running events for people to connect in a meaningful way. We also love pineapples.